While adopting Industry 4.0 technologies and aligning with green policies is essential to remain...
Welcome to the third and final newsletter of the ENCRYPT 4.0 project!
The meeting of the Erasmus+ project ‘Joint Cyber Workforce Development Initiative to Enable The...
Welcome to the first newsletter of the ENCRYPT4.0 project!
ENCRYPT4.0 is a two-year project that...
The 3rd Transnational meeting was successfully completed under the “virtual” hosting. Due to Covid-19...
Welcome to the first newsletter of the ENCRYPT4.0 project!
ENCRYPT4.0 is a two-year project that...
The second (2nd) transnational project meeting of the partnership of the European Project Erasmus+...
1st meeting of the Erasmus+ project “Encrypt 4.0” (Project no. 2020-1-RO01-KA202-079983) by Erasmus+ Programme of the...